As part of our mission to connect Asian Americans and like-minded professionals in the energy, environment, and commerce sectors, AE2C’s newest chapter is in Boston, Massachusetts. Massachusetts has been a leader in energy and environmental policies for several years and has maintained the top position in the country for Energy Efficiency scoring by ACEEE. Its comprehensive programs and policies strengthen energy efficiency in the buildings and transportation sectors and advances in energy storage and electric vehicles. Massachusetts has also seen significant progress in renewable energy, including rapid growth in solar and off-shore wind. In addition, it is home to several top universities and a hub for clean energy startups.

The AE2C Massachusetts Chapter will focus its programs and activities in the following areas:

  • Increase Asian American diversity and inclusion in the areas of energy and environment
  • Provide national and international information exchange panels on energy and environment focused on the United States and Asia|
  • Offer networking opportunities and mentorship to Asian American students and professionals

Chapter Director: Puja Vohra

Puja Vohra is the Director of Business Strategy at Slipstream, where she focuses on leading the expansion of Slipstream's clean energy programs and consulting services in the Northeast. Puja has extensive experience in energy efficiency and sustainability in the built environment, strategic planning for utility program design, green building technology research, energy codes and policies. Prior to Slipstream, she was a principal analyst overseeing the commercial and industrial energy efficiency portfolio planning for National Grid’s Rhode Island programs. Prior to her utility experience she worked as an energy and sustainability consultant. She currently serves as a board member at MA Climate Action Network and serves as a Mayor elect member of City of Newton’s Energy Commission, where she contributed her expertise towards Newton’s Citizens Climate Action Plan. Puja has a bachelor’s degree in Architecture and a Master of Science degree in energy and climate.

Puja can be reached at [email protected].